Prawn products

LANSY - Shrimp
On the market for over 20 years and perfected over time, LANSY-Shrimp is a range of high quality microbound formulations.
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Sanolife MIC
Highly concentrated probiotic for stable production in prawn and fish hatcheries.... more info

AZOMITE is a natural product mined from an ancient mineral deposit in Utah (USA) that typically contains a broad spectrum of over 70 minerals and trace elements, distinct from any mineral deposit in the world. AZOMITE is used internationally as a feed additive and a soil re-mineralizer for plants.... more info

High quality, microparticulate dry diet range for postlarval shrimp, formulated with FRiPPAK's premium ingredients and manufactured using advanced feed process technologies.
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Micro-encapsulated larval shrimp diets formulated with fresh and natural ingredients.
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AQUI-S Antifoam
AQUI-S Antifoam is an effective way to reduce foam formation on the water surface when using AQUI-S Aquatic Anaesthetic. AQUI-S Antifoam can be used at very low concentrations (1 to 2 ppm) to achieve optimal results and is a food grade, silicone emulsion.... more info

AQUI-S Aquatic Anesthetic
Aquatic Anesthetic that reduces stress during handling, transport and harvest.... more info

Chenta / SAGAR Paddlewheel Spare Parts
Full range of spare parts for Chenta and SAGAR Paddlewheels for use on Commercial Aquaculture Farms.
The materials are selected for quality including both UV-resistant plastics and stainless steel.
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Sanocare ACE
Sanocare ACE is a water conditioner for use in Artemia hatching, enrichment and storage tanks. ... more info

GSL Artemia Cysts
INVE GSL Artemia Cysts originate from the Great Salt Lake, Utah - USA.
Stringent quality control procedures ensures a consistent and certified hatching efficiency.... more info

SEP-Art GSL Magnetic Artemia Cysts
GSL Artemia cysts treated with SEP-Art Technology - This is a magnetic coating that allows complete separation of the cysts using a special harvesting device.
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Aluminium Oxide Ball Airstones
Small, robust, cheap air stones for a myriad of uses in hatcheries and aquariums.... more info