Artemia: GSL Artemia Cysts

GSL Artemia Cysts

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INVE GSL Artemia Cysts originate from the Great Salt Lake, Utah - USA.

After processing, an extensive quality assessment is performed with each harvest being subjected to fingerprinting in order to categorize all important characteristics and parameters of the cysts (for example: hatching/enrichment kinetics, decapsulation, separation, contamination, fatty acid profile, biometrics, etc...)  

Based on the results of this fingerprinting, INVE Aquaculture grades and selects only the cysts that are best suited for use in fish or prawn hatcheries.

This process allows us to offer you high quality GSL Artemia cysts with the following characteristics:
  • Consistent quality and a certified output
  • Simultaneous hatching behavior
  • Excellent enrichment profile
Batch Details

 Item Code  Product Name  Nauplii per gram (NPG)
 105842  Artemia GSL Standard > 240 NPG 5.1kg Carton >240,000 (>85%)